Everyone will be singing around the house once they get a spoonful of this layered symphony. It’s like reliving your best childhood memories, one bite at a time. Let us show you how to make this instant classic! 

To make this crunchy and creamy surprise you will need: 

•One sleeve of our Conchita Galletas María, the ‘Dorada’ kind. 
•One jar of our Conchita Dulce de Leche, or maybe three. You choose. 
•7oz of butter
•1 cup of powdered sugar 
•2 egg yolks 
•1 cup of milk 
•1/2 tablespoon of vanilla essence or extract. 
•1 vanilla stick  


1. In a small saucepan, pour the milk and add the vanilla stick. Let it simmer in low heat for about 10 mins. Just enough so the vanilla gets infused in the milk. Then strain and let it cool on the side.

2.  Cut the butter into small cubes and put into a bowl. Use an electric mixer to whisk the butter until it becomes creamy. Then, add the powdered sugar slowly as you continue to mix. 

4. Lower the speed on the mixer and add the 2 egg yolks and the vanilla essence or extract. Continue to mix until its smooth and creamy with no clumps.

5. Take as much dulce de leche as you like and mix into the cream to create a swirl.

6. Lightly soak about 6 or 7 of the galletas maría in the vanilla infused milk and lay them at the base of your container.

7. Take the dulce the leche swirl cream you were just mixing and spread it in a thin and even layer over the cookies.  

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you have about 5 layers, but who’s counting? 

9. Garnish the tart with some crushed galletas María and a drizzle of dulce de leche. 

10. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours before serving. 

Siempre con amor,
Abuela Conchita.